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From Fishmonger to Customer Success

I was a fishmonger at 12 years old
It was the best job I ever had
It taught me how to be a great Customer Success Manager 👇

On my first day, I:
→ Cleaned 25 pounds of stinky smelly squid 🤢
→ Mopped fish slime off the floor of the walk-in fridge 🤢
→ Washed the dumpster out back 🤢

I loved it because:
→ I couldn’t wait to help clients

A few months later, my time came:
→ Mrs. McPhee ordered ½ lb of flounder 🐟
→ She said the fish didn’t smell great 🤢
→ That wasn’t supposed to happen ❌

But this happened:
→ My boss took it back, asked me to get him a fresh flounder 🐠
→ He filleted her fresh pieces on the spot 🔪
→ She walked out with a huge smile 😊

I didn’t realize it, but I learned the most important lessons of customer success:

→ Understanding Customer Needs 🧐
→ Building Trust Through Expertise 🤝
→ Personalizing the Experience ✨
→ Handling Complaints with Grace 🌟
→ Going the Extra Mile 🏃
→ Learning from Feedback 📋
→ Building Long Term Relationships ❤️
→ The Importance of Teamwork 👥

After she left, he put the fish I originally wrapped up for her back out
And I asked him why did you do all that?
We knew the fish I gave her was fresh
He said that’s just what she wanted 🧐

I learned valuable lessons every single day I worked there. 📚

P.S. What lessons from your youth do you apply to your job today? 💡

Anthony Lobosco

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