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Social Selling = Value Selling

Anyone can post an article on LinkedIn and then call themself a social seller.  Well that’s n…
social selling value selling

Social selling is the process of developing relationships via social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.  These activities generally happen online but can take place offline as well.

For example, if you connect with someone on LinkedIn and then one of your posts in their activity field is relevant to them which results in a face to face meeting.

Anyone can post an article on LinkedIn and then call themselves good social sellers.  Well that’s not how it goes.

Social selling is about leveraging your social network to find the right prospects, build trusted relationships (online and offline), and make money.

But it’s deeper than that. Salespeople that are strong marketers and strong social sellers are successful.

According to LinkedIn, “78% of reps who use social selling practices outsell their peers.”

It’s not exactly why you think.

Yes, a prospect may have saw an interesting article that pertained to a specific project that they were working on, but that’s not likely.

Good salespeople are the ones that are getting the right people in the room and evangelizing their company to them in some way.

Those messages have to be valuable to people.  What does it mean to them?

If clients and prospects are getting more valuable messages as a whole, then that’s fantastic.

And it’s all about the salesperson because every company can almost sell any technology these days.


LinkedIn Audience Building Strategy

Anthony Lobosco

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