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Sales rhythm is real

⭐ Michael Jackson had great rhythm.
What if he didn’t?
What if you don’t have a good rhythm in sales? 👇

Your rhythm is everything, especially when you start to hit your stride. 🎯
→ Don’t you hate when it gets broken?
→ It’s the heartbeat of executing your sales plan.
→ Building and growing your business.

It took me a long time to figure out what works for me.
Here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way:

→ Love the process, even the challenging parts like prospecting, building a target list, and messaging.
→ Love what you may hate doing.
→ Block out time during the day and look forward to it.
→ Protect your rhythm at all costs.
→ Stay confident in your approach while being open to constructive feedback.

👊 Action conquers fear.
💪 Hustle and Grind always wins.

P.S. What are your strategies for maintaining your sales rhythm?

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Anthony Lobosco

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