If you have expectations of your prospects.
You need to shift your thinking immediately. 👇
Salespeople expect things to work a certain way:
→Our product should work as promised.
→Our company should meet its SLA’s.
→Our extended team should deliver.
→We should be competitive.
→We should get paid.
They’re not wrong.
When we turn those expectations onto our prospects, we become vulnerable:
→We expect immediate responses.
→We expect deals to close after demos.
→We expect complete honesty.
→We expect signatures after discounts.
→We expect decision-makers to be involved early.
→We expect timely payments.
When these expectations aren’t met:
→You will undeniably be let down.
This leads to vulnerability:
→A perceived weakness.
→Like blood in the water.
→Prospects and colleagues can sense.
→It undermines your confidence and execution.
You don’t want that.
But you can avoid this:
→By shifting your expectations inward.
→You can have control.
Expect yourself to:
→Keep a healthy funnel.
→Consistently prospect.
→Continuously improve your craft.
→Manage your time effectively.
→Listen more than you talk.
→Think strategically.
→Be adaptable.
→Stay resilient.
→Be disciplined.
By focusing on what you can control:
→Reduce the impact of any one deal falling through.
→You’ll build a healthy funnel.
→Maintain more active deals.
This leads to:
→More commission checks.
→Less stress.
→Reduced anxiety.
Start setting the right expectations today.
Focus on what you can control
🚀 Watch your sales performance soar.
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Stop Expecting, Start Thriving

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